When submitting Film Processing files, we request:
- Foil Stamping (negative RREU) everything clear foil stamps
- Debossing (negative RREU) everything clear debosses
- Embossing (positive RREU) everything black embosses
- Scratch off (positive) everything black is scratch off position
- Spot UV (positive or negative—call in advance for requirements)
- AI
- Provide Zip files if possible
- Materials must be solid black and white
- Provide only the artwork we need to process the film plus crop marks if needed for placement
- Make sure all fonts/type are locked in place to avoid movement or changes between program versions
When submitting files for Steel Rule dies, we request:
- EPS Format
- Adobe Illustrator file version 8 or higher
- Note: We cannot read PDF from Quark Express or Raster Files